Seating and Mood

Jader Tolja and Francesca Speciani


In what way can the furniture with which we deal on a daily basis influence our psychophysical state?

One knows, for example, that depression is characterized by a “C”-shaped closure of the spine with the point of the sternum buried in the stomach and the point of the coccyx between the buttocks, which produces the same dynamic as a dog with his tail between his legs. At present it is not possible to establish, beyond all reasonable doubt, whether the depression induces the physical stance or vice versa. Nevertheless the fact that the two processes – namely the physical closure and the emotional – are not separable, deserves attention.

Thus if the car seat, the beautiful but uncomfortable sofa, or the great designer’s chair compel our pelvis forward – thus curving our back – it does not seem illegitimate to expect also some effect upon our mood. Every piece of furniture which compels its user to adopt a certain posture in fact also influences his condition. In some cases – even though it is a trick insufficient in itself – for an individual to get out of his depression he may have to change the sofa or the chairs, or the way he uses them. In our experience, altering certain objects and furniture in common use encourages, more than one would think, changes in one’s approach to life that are being acquired through other instruments of personal growth.

Excerpt from:
Bodythinking, Del Nuevo Extremo, 2021